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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.46 (2019)

相対名詞の語彙的なアスペクトの関係 -韓国語の「전」と日本語の「前(マエ/ゼン)」をめぐって-


(東国大学校日本學研究所 専任研究員, 日本語學)

This paper, based on synchronic and diachronic studies on systems of the temporal relational nouns in Korean and Japanese temporal relative clauses, describes and identifies correspondence of the systems of temporal relative nouns in terms of facts and observation. On this paper, corresponding relation and lexical association(on Chinese words/Haneo) of Koran “전” and Japanese “前(マエ/ゼン)” are classified as 4 types and considered. as a reviewing method, based on dictionaries published in Korea and Japan, all vocabularies are extracted and reviewed. Each heading vocabulary extracted from each dictionary for each type is described; ① beyond the standards, and “前・後” is lexically corresponding. ② beyond the standards, and “前” is lexically not corresponding. ③ beyond the standards, and “後” is lexically not corresponding. ④ “前”,which is beyond the temporal standards, means a temporal relational noun in the standards. As a result of consideration, temporal directional functions in Korean and Japanese temporal relative nouns do not coincide. In other words, when we think about when the generality inherent in each temporal relative noun is actually realized in language, we find that their specificity is part of the universality, not an exception, but a process of grammaticalization.

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