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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.50 (2020)

タ形に関する考察 -「発見のタ」を中心として-


(全北大学 日本学科 講師, 日本語学)

In this study, The タ(ta) of discovery is separated タ(ta) of realization and タ(ta) of change of recognition, also it will describe in a way of 「existence and nonexistence of expectation」 and 「modification of recognition」. we knew the result when speakers expressed current situation in their face, they didn’t use ル(ru) in the present tense and used ル(ru) in the past tense. That is, speakers used タ(ta) to express that they had gotten their motive or expectation before speaking, not in the case, they did ル(ru). In addition, we could know that speakers used タ(ta) to express that they had changed their recognition, not in the case, they did ル(ru). By extension, we considered タ(ta) not in a discovery but in 「existence and nonexistence of expectation」 and 「modification of recognition」. So, we confirmed that 「タ(ta) of discovery」 was used not only in a dynamic phrase as 「アル(aru), イル(iru)」 but also in a static phrase as 「来た(kita)、笑った(waratta)」

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