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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.50 (2020)



(全南大学校国際学部日本学専攻 教授, 日本近世文学専攻)

In this paper, the purpose is to verity the works that Santei Syunba was said to be the author in the previous research and the date of establishment of such works. The theory that the so-called “Kanzendo” is the Ikku Ⅱ or Ikku Ⅲ is wrong, it certify that the author of the “Ekyodai-sugataawase”, “Karukaya-dosin” and the second volume of “Yakusya-mitate-gozyusanchugi” is not Syunba. The formation time of the confusing Ninzyobon “Syunjyu-hutakikusa” was clarified by the type of signature. In other words, it was proved that first and second volumes were published until the fall of 1844, and that after third volume, it was a work by Umehiko, who was different person from Syunba.

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