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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.50 (2020)

東洋初のロボット、《學天則》に表れた 西村真琴の思想


(同徳女子大学校 グローバル教育文化研究所 学術研究教授, 比較文化)

In 1928 Makoto Nishimura exhibited a robot called “Gakutensoku” that means “follow the laws of the universe and nature” at the exposition held to commemorate Emperor Showa’s throne. Although it has been evaluated as the first robot in the Orient, the “Gakutensoku” is not made of metal like Western European robots, but it is made in a form that can not move alone. So At the Chosun Expo, no attention was paid. Whereas Western robots were high-end machines that were born as cutting-edge machines that replace human labor, But the Gakutensoku Produced a robot that conveys its thoughts to humans, which has nothing to do with labor. Nishimura emphasizes that robots are the same as human beings, and that he consider how humans should live and what humanity is through robots. Today, the symbiosis between man and machine is emphasized. These attitude of Nishimura is very important for us in dealing with machines.

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