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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.50 (2020)

『朝鮮詩歌集』(1943)収録詩における朝鮮民族的な表現についての考察 -「童女」「夏草之章」を中心に


(誠信女子大学校 日本語文・文化学科 助教授, 日本近代詩.)

“The Joseon Poetry and Tanka Collection(朝鮮詩歌集)” was published under the colonized Korean peninsula in November, 1943. The biggest purpose of compiling the collection was to encourage for student mobilization since there was a send-off party just before the publishing. 1943 is a year in a middle of WWⅡ, and also late of Japanese colonial period. After 1938, there were oppression such as banning to teach Korean language, arresting someone who might resist a government even if he/she had not done anything bad. Namely the year “The Joseon Poetry and Tanka Collection” published was hard to express Korean things, and hard to use them not only as expressions, but also linguistically. However, some poems collected in this collection have non-national political representation. The purpose of this paper is to argue how the expression differ from national policy in spite of the background of editing the collection with reading “A little girl (童女)” and “A chapter of summer grass (夏草之章).” These two poems at first sight to affirm the war as one of Japanese nationals, actually express not acceptable the war and forcing them to be a cluster like that. Even if “The Joseon Poetry and Tanka Collection” was made for the war, some poems have a small different expression like not according to the national policy.
  詩の表現(Poetic Expression,『朝鮮詩歌集』,日本語詩,植民地主義,朝鮮民族,詩の表現

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