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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.50 (2020)

디아스포라 서사와 강요된 모빌리티의 재현 -이회성의 『유역』을 중심으로-


(건국대학교 모빌리티인문학 연구원 HK연구교수, 일본 근현대문학)

This study aimed to analyze Watershed written by Hoe-song Lee based on the concept of mobility suggested by John Urry, and to discuss how ‘mobility’ was reproduced focusing on the narration of ‘deportation’ of Koreans. The motive of the work was the story of two Zainichi Korean novelists who were invited by an alliance of writers in Kazakstan to visit the Soviet Union for about one month. ‘The Deportation of 1937’ is the main story they tried to cover, but there are two underlying narrative structures. One is the process of covering for ‘Chang-ho Gang-reportage writer-the Deportation of 1937-history restoration’ and the other is the narration of the mobility of ‘an individual,’ ‘Zainichi Koreans’ and furthermore the ‘diaspora’ unfolded, focusing on the memory of the main character, Chun-su, that was recalled in the process of covering the story. The ‘deportation’ of the diaspora demonstrates how ‘mobility’ composes political violence through the power and control system of the state back then that forced and blocked mobility. In addition, the narration of mobility of the diaspora as an individual and Zainichi Koreans that is described through the memory of Chun-su depicts the process of the creation of ‘attachment to a place,’ that is, the desire to go back to ‘Sakhalin’ and their homeland both psychologically and physically.

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