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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.52 (2020)

한국인 초급 일본어 학습자의 작문교육에 관하여 -오용 실태조사를 중심으로-


(경북대학교 대학원 일어일문학과 박사졸업, 일본어학)

Among the conventional studies on composition, the analysis of misuse produced by Japanese learners has been actively conducted, but very few studies have reviewed effective guidance methods based on the results of the study. Accordingly, this study was to extract linguistic items through the investigation and analysis on the composition data prepared by Korean beginner Japanese learners, and to grope for the teaching method of effective composition by reviewing the characteristics and causes of misuse by each item. As a result of the investigation, for the linguistic items of high misuse frequency, this study has shown that it took (1) particles, (2) misuse in expression, (3) verbs, (4) いadjectives, (5) transcription of foreign words, (6) Chinese characters, (7) な adjectives (8) demonstratives, (9) giving and receiving expressions, (10) conjunctions in order. It is true that there are many elements common to Korean and Japanese, so it is advantageous to Korean learners, but by recklessly translating directly, we can see that there is a lot of misuse. Therefore, in the case of composition education, it would be necessary to present the items of composition error as language items that should be particularly noted to learners and to provide intensive guidance. In addition, it needs to exclude the influence by the learner’s mother tongue as well as it will have to guide natural Japanese expressions at the same time.

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