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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.52 (2020)



(南大学校国際学部日本学専攻 教授, 日本近世文学専攻)

As a result on considering the bibliographic research method about the works that show the situation before and after the publication of Jippensya-ikkuⅡ of Itoi-takesi in 1833, it was found the following things. I pointed out that, in the case of Ninzyobon “Adakurabe-imayogusi”, it is presumed that the second volume was published in 1832, and he proposes that he has named himself “Ikku Ⅱ” in the two volumes. Then, as a result on considering in order to consolidate his position as Ikku Ⅱ, I examined the identity of “Yomono-masaki” who conveys his name in a three-volume epilogue, and it was found the following things. (1) “Yomono-masaki” would not be Gohensya-hankyu. (2) “Yomono-umehiko” was the successor of “Yomo”, who had been selling sake called Takisui, and would be a different person from Yomono-masaki.

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