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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.52 (2020)

近代日本と能楽 -近代の到来と秩序の再編-


(翰林大學校日本學科 敎授, 専門は能樂史)

Noh entered the modern era under the Meiji Restoration which meant a loss of protection from its patron, the TOKUGAWA Bakufu and now it had to form a new relationship with the new power. With the royal family and the nobility as the central figures, Noh was protected and fostered by the establishment and adapted itself with the new epoch; however, apart from forging a relationship with the top, it also had to deal with new challenges from the bottoms and surroundings about the reorganization of order. The first was the power to issue a license when the learner gets a sustained ability by learning Utai and second was the power to publish Utaibon (text of utai) which was a script as well as an Utai textbook for the teaching. These were invincible power and right of the Soke (originator, the head family) in the Edo period when the Noh was the official music as well as the performing art of the Bakufu. However, in the modern era, these were also conducted by the non-Soke which should not be just seen as a conflict over the economic loss, but a challenge to the Soke through the intellectual property right and the copyright - the modern ideas. From this, an aspect of the formation of the cultural power can be explored through the transition from TOKUGAWA Shogun to the Japanese emperor of the modern Japanese empire, and modification from the Sarugaku in the Edo period to the Noh in the modern period.

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