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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.52 (2020)



(世宗大學 國際學部 日語日文學專攻 助敎授, 日本文學專攻)

Soseki wrote the premonition of death and the fear for the fate that is destined to die in the literature of Sanshiro, Memories and Mon and he wrote about the death of his daughter Hinako in the literature of Higansugimade after that. What he wrote about the death of child as the stories in Kotonosorane, Sanshiro and Mon came true in Higansugimade. How should we understand this miraculous happening which happened to occur to Soseki? We can regard it as the fate of Hinako or the premonition of Soseki for the future like as prophecy. Soseki started to write Mon after the birth of Hinako who was born 10 months later after the publish of Sanshiro. Namely Mon was written in the progress of Hinako and after the publish of Mon the tragedy happened to Hinako. Fiction became nonfiction in the literature of Soseki. As a result Soseki wrote the fate of Hinako and his writing came to show his premonition of death. So we do not know whether the sense of Soseki made the phenomenon nor the sense of Soseki knew the coming phenomenon in the future but it is clear that this mysterious happening gave the decisive shock to Soseki who was interesting in the sense of human.

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