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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.62 (2023)

한국어 ‘-더라’에 대응하는 일본어 표현 분석


(전북대학교 일본학과 강사, 전북대학교 일본・동아시아 연구소 객원 연구원, 일본어학)

As a result of reviewing the Japanese expression corresponding to the Korean ‘-deora-’,the Japanese language corresponding to the Korean ‘-deora-’ can be divided into nouns and adjectives, タshape and ルshape+ノshape, but in the case of verbs, verbs appear in various forms, such as, ルshape タshape, テイル, テイタ etc. ノダ same like nouns and adjectives was used. The causes of the phenomenon are regarded as follows ① ‘-deo-’ was used in newly learned facts or in the past than when speaking in korean, タshape and ノダ was divided into verbalizing only the past or the only newly learned facts in the case of Japanese ② in korean, it was expressed by dividing the time of occurrence than speaking express the past into the time of recognition than speaking express the pastin the case of Japanese, it isn’t like korean it think highly of meaning of ルshape タshape, テイル, テイタ etc and ノダ was used in case of necessity of discovery meaning such a newly recognition

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