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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.65 (2023)

1989~2019년의 일본 음료 광고에 대하여 -표현 전달 기법을 중심으로-


(백석예술대학교 글로벌문화콘텐츠학부 부교수)

In this paper, an analysis was conducted on advertising expression techniques, advertising elements, advertising delivery patterns, discourse strategies, and discourse structures based on commercials and popular products in 1989~2019. It can be observed that various expressions such as repetition, emphasis, metaphor, question form, and analogy were used as advertising expression techniques during this era. Additionally, common elements in delivering the message of a product through the perspectives of visual and auditory senses were identified. Furthermore, the use of famous models in most beverage advertisements can also be considered a characteristic. On the other hand, while there were many popular carbonated beverages in 1989~2003, there was a shift towards popular health drinks in the later period. It is believed that the advertisements were designed to meet consumer desires for health and beauty by incorporating changes in the composition, functionality, and packaging of beverages. There were also advertising elements that challenged conventional notions related to work-life and food compatibility. This can be seen as a reflection of the increasing societal interest in health and the changing times, as well as attempts to incorporate various changes in beverages. Additionally, there were changes in discourse strategies and structures in product advertisements, adopting a persuasive form that induces empathy towards health-oriented goals.
  텔레비전 광고,광고 표현 기법,광고 표현 요소,담화전략,담화구조

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