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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.67 (2024)

「し続ける」および「ずっと」の指導法 -韓国人学習者の使用実態と認識調査をもとに-


(国立昌原大学校 日語日文学科 副教授, 日本語教育)

In this article, I aim to propose the effective method for teaching compound Verb 「V+tsuzukeru」 Indicating .「V+tsuzukeru」 and 「Zutto」 are very similar in meaning, but there is no research targeting these two expressions. Therefore, this study investigates the actual usage of the aspectual expression expressing in a composition corpus, and examines how Korean learners use the aspectual expression in Japanese to express in Korean. As a result, a survey of actual usage revealed that Korean learners rarely used the compound verb 「V+tsuzukeru」 and used examples of 「Zutto」 more frequently. However, it seems likely that Korean learners do not clearly recognize the form of the compound verb 「V+tsuzukeru」. Therefore, we conducted a perception survey targeting Korean learners whose Japanese language level was considered to be equivalent to that of the Korean learners in the YNU Written Language Corpus. As a result of the recognition survey, we found that there is a possibility that the compound verb 「V+tsuzukeru」 is remembered at a lexical level rather than as 「masu form + tsuzukeru」, and that the Korean 「gyesog」 is 「Zutto」 in Japanese. It turns out that there are some learners who are aware that there is. Based on the results of this study, we proposed a teaching method for Korean learners to use the aspectual expressions 「V+tsuzukeru」 and 「Zutto」 to express , based on actual Japanese examples. Therefore, this paper considers that since the compound verb 「V+tsuzukeru」 is highly productive, it is necessary to treat it as a sentence pattern and to teach the form 「masu form + tsuzukeru」 more explicitly. In addition, we teach about the co-occurrence of 「Zutto」, which has many restrictions, with 「siteiru form」 as a typical form, and teach how to use it to express continuation of negation that cannot be expressed with 「V+tsuzukeru」.

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